Boston Bocconi Alumni Community’s American Fund Campaign

We have all experienced the immense benefits of a Bocconi education. Attending a top global university, whether through family support or Bocconi scholarships, has been a privilege. Now, it's our turn to support the next generation of Bocconi leaders and pay it forward. Your contribution can make a significant difference, allowing talented individuals with limited financial resources to access a world-class education.
Goal $5,000.00
10% towards our goal
$500.00 raised
$ 250.00
building the future!
Nicole Cutrufo
$ 150.00
Boston Chapter
$ 100.00





We have all experienced the immense benefits of a Bocconi education. Attending a top global university, whether through family support or Bocconi scholarships, has been a privilege.

Now, it's our turn to support the next generation of Bocconi leaders and pay it forward. Your contribution can make a significant difference by allowing talented individuals with limited financial resources to access a world-class education.

Donation Information:

  • Minimum donation: $100
  • Average donation: $800

Tax-Smart Giving: We will provide a tax-deductible receipt for every donation. We hope that with this tax decution we can further recognize your philanthropy.

Together, we can ensure that future deserving students benefit from the exceptional opportunities that Bocconi provides.

Thank you for your generosity!